Sunday Services: 9am Sunday School and 10:15am Worship Service

Led by: Phil Livermore
We believe that at a young age, children can begin their relationship with Jesus. Our goal is to partner together to pass on authentic faith, helping kids to find real ways to apply the truths they are learning in their daily lives. Together, we want to train and strengthen their faith -- and grow a generation of children living as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Kingdom Kidz Team Ministry Introduction & Leadership Expectations
Our Kingdom Kidz program is our educational ministry to children from ages 2 to grade 5 on Sunday mornings. We offer classes for this entire age range during the 9am hour and classes for toddlers and preschool children during the 10:45 hour.
- Our Curriculum:
- We use the Gospel Project, which presents the entire story of Scripture in a 3 year cycle. Each teacher is provided with the materials they need for their class.
- Time Commitment:
- It is about a 90 minute commitment each Sunday (a class hour is about 75 minutes).
- Teachers:
- Teachers prepare and teach the lesson for their assigned Sunday.
If you have a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ and you have a passion for teaching the Bible to children, this might be an incredible opportunity! If you serve in this role every week, we ask you to be an active member of MSBC.
- Assistants:
- Assistants help teachers in the supervision of students and in the administration of learning activities.
Are you at least ten years old, dependable, and love kids? Do you enjoy helping others and building relationships with kids? Why not consider serving the Lord in this way?

Final Words
As our ministry continues to grow, there will be even more opportunities to serve. The teaching material is provided so you don't need to create your own lesson plans. If you need training, we can provide it. If you would just like to help, you can do that too. We would love to have you in any capacity. Our children here at MSBC are a blessing from the Lord and are the future of our church. The time we invest in them will make a difference for the Kingdom of Christ.
~ Pastor Phil Livermore
Want To Join This Team?
If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry please complete the volunteer interest form and someone will be in touch with you.
This ministry requires a background check. In addition to completing the volunteer interest form please also complete the MSBC Child and Youth Worker Application Background Authorization .
If you are under the age of 18 – please complete this form