Sunday Services: 9am Sunday School and 10:15am Worship Service
The Lord says to go make disciples of all nations.
Main Street Baptist Church has a long history of sending and supporting missionaries to bring the love of Jesus to the world.
In 1991, MSBC made a serious commitment to focus on praying and giving to missions that are dedicated to evangelizing the Sindhi people of Pakistan. There are nearly 50 million people living in the province of Sindh, Pakistan, but very few Christians. We pray for the Sindhi people and support ministries among the Sindhis. Every 5 years, we have renewed this commitment.
Since 2000, MSBC has engaged in an active program of sending short term teams to Central America and Cambodia.
Currently we support 24 missionaries/missionary families serving in 8 different foreign countries and the United States. Each missionary family is under the guidance of a missions organization. Our missionaries represent 15 different organizations.
- ABWE/GAP (The Association of Baptists for World Evangelism)
- Child Evangelism Fellowship
- Campus Ambassadors
- CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)
- Emmanuel Gospel Center
- FEBA (Far East Broadcasting Association) Pakistan
- International Friendship Evangelism
- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
- Kingdom Builders of Central New York
- Missions Door
- South American Mission
- The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM)
- Three Springs Ministries
- United World Mission
- WorldVenture
- Youth For Christ