Sunday Services: 9am Sunday School and 10:15am Worship Service

What is Oneonta MOMs?
MOMs stands for Moms on a Mission. MOMs is an informal and fun support group designed to meet the needs of moms with young children. We know moms need encouragement, nurturing, and practical tips for surviving the early years of mothering! Our goal is to support women in their roles as mothers, wives and friends in a loving atmosphere. Whether you are expecting your first child, your youngest is in kindergarten, or you fall somewhere in between, Oneonta MOMs is for you!
Who can come?
At MOMs, we believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. Motherhood is the best job in the world. It’s also the hardest, especially in this crazy world right now. Oneonta Moms is a place to sit down, and relax, a place you can bring your babies with you and know they’ll be safe, a place to realize WHO you are in God’s eyes and how much He loves YOU. So, come. Come have a cup of coffee. Come fellowship with other mamas. Come discover all that God wants you to be. If you are pregnant or a mom with a child birth through kindergarten, you are welcome!