Youth Ministry Team

women and man talking outside the building

Led by: Jerod Brey - Youth Pastor

CLIFF Youth Ministry serves kids from 6th-12th grade. Our purpose is to get connected to 6th-12th grade students in the Oneonta area, welcome them into a loving community, share the gospel with them indiscriminately, and help believers grow as disciples of Jesus who are sold out for Him. We do this through Friday night Youth Group, Sunday School, Small Groups, and a variety of other opportunities.

Youth Ministry ~
Ministry Introduction & Leadership Expectations

Our ministry to teens is very multi-faceted. We run an outreach-oriented Youth Group all year long and invite students to at least one special event each month. We also dig deeper in discipleship through Sunday School each week of the school year and four Small Groups throughout the school year too.

  • Youth Group Leader:
    • Youth Group is on Friday nights throughout the school year and typically on Tuesdays throughout the summer. It runs from 6-9pm, but leaders are asked to be there from approximately 5:45-9:15pm.
    • We separate Jr. Highers (6th-8th grade) and Sr. Highers (9th-12th grade), so leaders are typically with only one of the age groups.
    • Youth Group leaders are asked to help with special events too.

Are you the kind of person who loves playing and leading active games? Maybe you have a lot of energy and joy that you want to share with others. Maybe you just like helping teens feel welcomed and getting to know them better. If any of this describes you, being a CLIFF Youth Group leader may be the perfect fit.

  • Sunday School Teacher:
    • Sunday School is on Sunday mornings throughout the school year during the 9-10:15am service. We have some refreshments together before splitting up into separate Jr. High and Sr. High classes.
    • We use curriculum from AWANA to teach and lead discussions. We have at least two teachers per class and they share responsibilities.

Are you interested in teaching and helping teens understand God’s Word better, even though you feel like you don’t have all the answers? Are you good at getting students engaged in discussion? Do you love teenagers? If any of this describes you, being a CLIFF Sunday School teacher may be the perfect fit.

  • Small Group Leader:
    • Small Groups are on various afternoons or evenings throughout the school year, depending on leaders’ and students’ availability. They are typically 90 minutes long and may be held at MSBC, someone’s home, or even an ice cream shop.
    • We have four separate groups: Jr. High Girls, Jr. High Boys, Sr. High Girls, and Sr. High Guys. We have two leaders for each group to help share responsibilities. We have a huge variety of curriculums that we use to give students a deep and broad foundation for their faith and biblical worldview.

Are you interested in helping teens build better friendships with each other as they build a better relationship with Christ? Do you enjoy creating a warm and judgment-free atmosphere? If either of these describes you, being a CLIFF Small Group leader may be the perfect fit.

group of people sitting on bench near trees duting daytime
unknown persons standing outdoors
photography of five people near outdoor during daytime

Final Words

Youth Ministry is really hard work sometimes, but it is also extremely rewarding and a great opportunity to be used by God to impact His kingdom. My goal is that each of our Youth Ministry volunteers grow and develop personally, spiritually, relationally, and as leaders. I believe we are all called to serve God in the local church, and I love serving with people who are committed to using their personal gifting for the sake of the Gospel!

~ Jerod Brey, Youth Pastor

Want To Join This Team?

If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry please complete the volunteer interest form and someone will be in touch with you.

This ministry requires a background check. In addition to completing the volunteer interest form please also complete the MSBC Child and Youth Worker Application Background Authorization .

If you are under the age of 18 – please complete this form