Sunday Services: 9am Sunday School and 10:15am Worship Service
The Facility Use calendar contains ministry-wide events that are scheduled to use the MSBC facility. Check to see when the church facility may be available.If you are a ministry leader and would like to reserve a room for your ministry, please review the facility use calendar below. If the date you are looking for is available please complete the Facility Use Form. After reviewing the form your event will be added to the calendar.
The church facility is often available for church family or community use. See below for reservation forms.
Facility Calendar
Monthly List Grid Tile
- SU
- MO
- TU
- WE
- TH
- FR
- SA
- 26
- 27
- 28
- 29
- 30
- 31
- 1
Mens No Regrets Conference
CA Use of Bluefields
- 2
Sunday School for all Ages
10:15AM Service
- 3
Bluefield’s Closed for Cleaning
Bluefield’s Reserved for Counseling
Creatives Group
- 4
Knit & Crochet Group
CA Use of Bluefields
Deacons Meeting
- 5
CA Staff Meeting
Praise Team Practice
- 6
CA Thursday Nights
Don Marsh Community Group
Ladies Bible Study
- 7
Men’s Ministry: “Why I Believe?” Bible study
CA Use of Bluefields
CLIFF Youth Group
- 8
CA Use of Bluefields
- 9
Sunday School for all Ages
10:15AM Service
- 10
Bluefield’s Closed for Cleaning
Homeschool Co-Op
Bluefield’s Reserved for Counseling
- 11
Knit & Crochet Group
CA Use of Bluefields
Missions Committee Meeting
Stewards Committee Meeting
- 12
MOMs Steering
PrimeTime Meeting
CA Staff Meeting
Praise Team Practice
- 13
CA Thursday Nights
Don Marsh Community Group
Ladies Bible Study
- 14
CA Use of Bluefields
CLIFF Youth Group
- 15
Elders Retreat
CA Use of Bluefields
- 16
Sunday School for all Ages
10:15AM Service
- 17
Bluefield’s Closed for Cleaning
Bluefield’s Reserved for Counseling
Jail Ministry of Otsego & Schoharie Counties
Creatives Group
- 18
Knit & Crochet Group
CA Use of Bluefields
- 19
Sr. High Break the Ice ’25
CA Staff Meeting
Praise Team Practice
- 20
CA Thursday Nights
Don Marsh Community Group
Ladies Bible Study
- 21
Jr. High Break the Ice ’25
CA Use of Bluefields
- 22
CA Use of Bluefields
- 23
Sunday School for all Ages
10:15AM Service
Prime Time Soup Luncheon
- 24
Bluefield’s Closed for Cleaning
Homeschool Co-Op
Bluefield’s Reserved for Counseling
- 25
Knit & Crochet Group
CA Use of Bluefields
- 26
CA Staff Meeting
Praise Team Practice
- 27
CA Thursday Nights
Don Marsh Community Group
Ladies Bible Study
- 28
Sr. High Winter Camp ’25
CA Use of Bluefields
Jr. High CLIFF Youth Group
- 1
The MSBC facility is available for personal or community use. To reserve the building, complete the reservation form and submit the form via e-mail or postal mail to the church office for event approval. You will be contacted once your request is approved.
The MSBC facility is available for wedding use. To reserve the building for your event, complete the wedding reservation form and submit the form via e-mail or postal mail to the church office for approval. You will be contacted once your request is approved.